LED Planter
For this project I was tasked to design and produce a fully functional LED planter entirely made out of ABS plastic.
These three concepts of my LED Planter are a reflection of my thoughts. I explored different variations of the structure of the base. The true variation shows in the structure that hold up the lighting and watering system. Concept 2 explores the idea of having a watering system while concepts 1 and 3 explore the lighting system.
These are detailed sketches of my chosen solution, which is concept 2, it shows the structural element of the planter as well as the watering system and the lighting system.
This prototype was simple and elegant however the lighting structure was fixed and would obstruct the herbs as they grew vertically.
I really liked the structure of this build; it has a watering system which worked well alongside the watering system.
This prototype has an aesthetic appeal however the way in which the pots are laid out would not allow for even lighting to all three herbs.
This was the refined prototype of concept 2, the shape of the watering system was changed, the structure was also slighting changed to make it able to adjust the hight of the watering and lighting system.
While constructing the LED Planter I used ABS for the structure of the planter, I was able to join my cut outs using methylene chloride and applying it with a syringe.
This is the final product of my LED Planter, it has a very simple but effective design, the structure about the herbs is the lighting and watering system, the water is place in the compartment at the top of the structure, it then filters through 3 holes above each plant which allows each plant the be watered simultaneously. 
Working with this project has taught me about a new material and has allowed me to experiment with ABS plastic and manipulate it into the way I would want it to be in.
LED Planter

LED Planter
