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BIZUM / Números que importan

Our contribution to the Bizum campaign, 'Números que Importan'.

The main objective of the campaign was to raise awareness of one of Bizum's existing services, which allows direct donations to various associations and NGOs through the use of different numerical codes.

Seven studios were tasked with creating posters to transform these numerical codes into compelling designs, transcending their numerical nature. Each studio was paired with a different NGO and their cause to make a meaningful impact.

As one of the selected studios, we were given the responsibility of working with the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer. The client's only brief was to incorporate the 'line of life' graphic element from their identity and brand book. By modulating this single element, we developed different solutions for each number and variations for each of the repeated digits in the given code.

Our aim: to highlight the organization's approach to treating the disease as a unique and personal journey for each patient. An approach and concept that's encapsulated in their brand tagline, 'there is no path without a destination'.
Awareness Campaign for Bizum
Graphic design, Illustration and Number design
Client: Manifiesto & Bizum
Design & Art Direction by Treintayseis

BIZUM / Números que importan