A selected series of handletterings done 2019
Head over to @charvidixit the funny stories, process and inspiration behind the pieces.
1. Sigh
A word I use the most in my conversations
2. Bombay Dreams
One of my favourite indie albums released this year
3. We are all made of star stuff
4. Follow your fire
Part of the #Homwork prompt by Lauren Hom I decided to draw these lyrics by Kodaline
5. I am dead inside
One of my favourite Micheal Scott quotes from The Office.
I was extremely ironic in choice of my colour palette and drawing style.
6. Don't forget to breathe
A reminder.
7. Mercury made me do it
To mark the end of the mercury retrograde
8. Pyaar, which translates to Love in English
Letterings 2019

Letterings 2019

A series of hand letterings done in 2019.
