Digby (Whitepaws) Gooding
Our new puppy, so I am biased, they are all beautiful.  They are however pretty much as they came out of the camera, apart from the basics, e.g. white balance and sharpening from the RAW image.
The first image was also my first foray into off camera flash, not the normal model - he difinately did not do as he was told until he was asleep and then he was perfect.
Off camera flash (no modifiers) just to the left of the image - works best on a slepping puppy as they do not move!!
Now at 11 weeks - he is starting to grow up, currently not a happy model, every time I get down to his level, he runs towards me.
My how we are growing - still sleeping, but growing
At my first dog show - I came 4th, I woz robbed.
Now scurrying I seem to be quite good at, never tried before.  I raced up the course, got the ball and raced back again all in 10 seconds, not bad for a puppy.
Yes, Mum.  What next?
Look into my eyes, look into my eyes.....Now give the treat.


Images of the new puppy. Our new dog has arrived and this gives me a great opportunity to hone my fast action shots and some lovely portraits ( Read More
