Green Feel's - Experiential Toothpastes

Green Feel's - Experiential Toothpastes
Cosmoway / Green Feel's

We are in the era of subtlety. We helped Green Feel’s cosmetics launch their new toothpaste product category having this in mind. The designs were crafted by reworking the classic tropes of oral hygiene design. The base of the packaging is smooth and minimal, featuring a subtle illustration, smoothly transitioning from print to an invisible emboss. The tube packagings are reduced to be just as minimal and beautifully fitting into any bathroom environment. 

Green Feel's - Experiential Toothpastes

Green Feel's - Experiential Toothpastes

We are in the era of subtlety. We helped Green Feel’s cosmetics launch their new toothpaste product category having this in mind. The designs wer Read More
