English people are polite and drink tea all the time
French people love wine and wear a beret
Germans drink beer all the time
This list could go on forever and can be about every country in the world.
Everyone has an image in their head about people from different countries.
As I spend a year aboard in England I was surprised at how many of these stereotypes were right or wrong. I got to know a new culture, I was interested in what the English thought of my culture, which is why I made a project out of it. Another aim of the project was to combine my interest in graphic design with fine art.
As I am half French/German I asked my English friends to fill in a questionaire about my three home countries: Germany, France and the United Kingdom. These answers built the base for the text that would be used on the final images.
I decided to make postcard sized paintings of the three different country's  satelite pictures in my painting style as a backround for the stereotype text.
Now my question is: Do you recognise which country is represented in which painting?
I was intrested if people recognise the countries by these words, so I made the paintings more abstract and the text in a different language: English for France, French for Germany and German for the UK.
The Sketchbook

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Stereotypes FMP

Stereotypes FMP

As I spend a year aboard in England I was surprised at how many of these stereotypes were right or wrong. I was interested in what the English th Read More
