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The Tenth Doctor #DoctorWho

The Children Of Time
The Children of Time is Doctor Who meets The Lion King, inspired by a comical 'Lion King' quote made by the Tenth Doctor in the early stages of his new regeneration (The Christmas Invasion). The silhouettes are of the Tenth Doctor, Captain Jack Harkness and their kids? Maybe? It's all a bit tongue in cheek. But the relationship here is for the viewer to decide.

— I'm Waving at Fat! & Up, Up and Away... —
A quirky scene inspired taken from S4 / EP1 'Partners in Crime'. Featuring, the Tenth Doctor, (Tennant) and his feisty and funny companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate). This episode also features one of the shows cutest aliens to date. Whom, I love so much, made me create a whole new parody on them, which you can see here.

— Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special —
— Gallifrey Falls No More —
After the success of the 50th Anniversary Special, I decided to illustrate the iconic scene that appeared towards the end of the episode. Retaining a graphical feel, I've reworked the lineup of Doctors featured which includes the War Doctor. And you can't have a poster without some sinister eyes lurking somewhere.
Here's to the next fifty years!

— Tenth / DW Banksy —
While I can't claim to have had the same success as the street artist who inspired the project, I can say the design has always been well received by many a Ten fan. But, why stop at Ten when you can include all the other Doctors? To see the project in full visit my page here

— My Home Planet —
My Home planet is three separate designs. It initially started out as a typographical
project with an infamous quote by the Tenth Doctor.

— Out of Shape and Time  —
This illustration came about not long after it was announced that two of Doctor Who's original leads, David Tennant and Billie Piper, would be returning to the show, to join in with the 50th Anniversary celebrations (23 November 2013). It's a quirky play on words after hearing that a special one-off episode had also be made entitled 'The Adventures in space and time'. It has recently been adapted for a tee shirt design - No Doctors were harmed in the making of this piece!

— The X Doctor —
A cheeky play on words inspired by that TV show!

 — Y A N A _ Face of Boe —
There'll always be some mystery and controversy surrounding Russell T Davies' creation — The Face of Boe. Not to mention the idiosyncratic idea that it was actually Captain Jack Harkness. An idea I still find a bit hard to accept. It always seemed a bit of a fanciful, last minute idea, that was slipped into the plot to tie up a loose end. And by the time folks started to question the idea (the Tenth Doctor included), it was all a bit late to retract the idea. However, I'm sure Davies would argue that this was always on the cards.

The illustration is drawn from scratch. (No Live tracing used). I decided to keep the design symmetrical simply because, aesthetically,it is more pleasing to the eye. And although it turned into being a bit of a pain in the end, I feel the finished design complements the characters ridiculous age rather well!

— Vale Decem - The Lonely Angel —
We all have our favourites. But, I don't think any Whovian would deny that, to date, Tennant's version of The Doctor is one of the most treasured and most missed in the Era of Nu Who. So, it comes as no surprise when Tennant announced he was leaving the show, that his departure would be received, with great sadness. A demise that for both fan, and Doctor, would not be easy to forget. So, this is my way of saying thank you, for five great years on the show.

©2021 ifourdezign. All Rights Reserved.

The Tenth Doctor #DoctorWho

The Tenth Doctor #DoctorWho

My current range of commercial TV inspired Fan Art Prints / Tee Shirt designs - Tee's available to buy from Redbubble: ifourdezign — http://www.r Read More
