"The Love Dress", a solo work of passion. A creation I draped and sewed entirely by hand, followed by distressing the material before delicately, layer by layer, painting the entirety of the piece. 

This design was created in 2019, and comprised of almost entirely upcycled scrap material. The leftovers of other designs I had made in the past.

I took great care in placing the long strips in a series of rounded waves and s-curves, placing them in such a way they abstractly mimic the shape of a heart across the right side of the bust. 

At the left hip there is a little hidden message only visible if the arm and strands of fabric are lifted you can see "love" scrawled in cursive, the namesake of the gown.
The Love Dress

The Love Dress

art and fashion merge within Michelle Hébert's original design "The Love Dress". A hand-sewn, hand-distressed, and hand-painted dress of upcycled Read More
