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On The Screen - Movie Poster Final Outcome and Analysis

On The Screen - Movie Poster Final Outcome and Analysis:

Test Poster:
I was unsure on what back ground I wanted to use out of the mirror image and the image of my kitchen window. Therefore, I decided to test out which I thought worked better by working up each background and testing my portrait image on it. I did this by using 'Colour Channels' to mask and cut out my portrait. I then placed it into each of my backgrounds. By doing this I have decided that I would use the picture of my kitchen window as my posters background.
Editing My Final Poster:
This is the process of how I created my final poster in Photoshop.

Removing Reflections and Adding My Portrait:
Once I had decided on my background I continued to worked it up by removing the reflections on the window. I also added a dark blue rectangle to the bottom left widow so it would match the colour of the other two windows as it was darker than them.
Adding Smashed Windows:
After I was happy with the position of my portrait I then started to add my parts of my smashed mirror images to the windows. I did this by using the 'Colour Channels' to select the cracks and remove the main mirror area so the reflections wouldn't be visible. I then adjusted the opacity until I got the effect I wanted.
Adding Blood Marks and Title to Windows:
Next, I used the 'Colour Channels' again to select and mask the blood marks which I then placed onto the windows. I also adjusted the levels of the hand print so that it's lighting matched the titles lighting. I then added the 'Dissolve Blending Mode' to the hand print to make it look more realistic.
Adding Plant Detailing:
I then went on to add parts of the willow tree that I photographed to the top of the window. This was to convey my films plot that the plants are taking over the world. I selected and masked the images to get the parts of the tree I wanted to use. I then feathered the selection to crate a ghostly faded effect on the edges.
Adding The Multiple Exposure Element:
For my posters multiple exposure element I want the walls of the house to look like the plants are within it/ taking over it. I decided to do this by overlapping two copies of the same image. On one copy I applied the 'Luminosity Blending Mode' and then on the other the 'Dissolve Blending Mode'. I placed these images directly over each other and then moved the image with the 'Luminosity Blending Mode' slightly to the right and the image with the 'Dissolve Blending Mode' slightly to the left. I then adjusted the opacity for both of these layers so that they could be seen overlapping each other on top of the wall in the background. This created a glitched effect over the wall. I then used select and mask to paint away the parts of the two images I didn't need allowing the window frame to be seen through the images.

To empathies my films plot I then decided to add a multiple exposer using the tree image to my portraits hair. I did this again by using select and mask to paint where I wanted the plants exposure and where I didn't. I then added the 'Luminosity Blending Mode'.
Adding Text:
Most film posters feature the main actors names, the films release date and a list of credits/film companies I'm small print. Therefore I decided to add these elements to my poster. 
Adjusting The Title:
I decided that where my title was positioned it was too small to see from a distance. As a result I decided to move the title into the gap between the text and window as this allowed it to be much bigger. I then added another hand print to the window to fill the gap. I then added the 'Linear Light Blending Mode' so the title looked more realistic.
Final Poster:
This is my final film poster.
What Worked and What Didn't Work?:
Overall, I think my poster works well to portray my films storyline and has visible references to the horror genre. I feel that I have made good use of my surroundings and what was available to me during the lockdown to crate this poster. Furthermore, the poster and the storyline I thought up does confront the theme of exile from society as society has been taken over by plants and humans have been exiled. This can be seen in my poster through the main character being forced to stay in their home despite it being severely damaged by the plants. 

To improve my poster I could have had more than one character featured on it to help portray the plot. Also I would have liked for my portrait to have much darker and harsher shadows to convey the horror genre more strongly. Additionally, if it wasn't for the lockdown I could have gone to a garden centre and tried to photograph some more exotic plants for the multiple exposures. 
On The Screen - Movie Poster Final Outcome and Analysis

On The Screen - Movie Poster Final Outcome and Analysis


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