Mayday Is's profile

MetroCard Puzzle

MetroCard Puzzle
In July 2012, the MTA announced it would open up the front of New York’s iconic MetroCard to advertisers. The city griped as now even the smallest slivers of New York’s real estate could be co-opted by advertisers.
Mayday saw this new advertising space as something much more an interesting: an opportunity to create collective urban experiences. Everyone assumed that the MetroCard would turn into just another piece of an ad buy from the MTA, along with in-station and train car placements, and lead to small and boring shrunken campaign posters. So how do you take advantage of this real estate, and create something unique and engaging that would leave a lasting impression.
MetroCard Puzzle

Project Made For

MetroCard Puzzle

In July 2012, the MTA announced it would open up the front of New York’s iconic MetroCard to advertisers. The city griped as now even the smalles Read More
