Edward Irby's profile

OpenSesame Search/Browse

These are the wireframes I designed for the current OpenSesame Header,  Search and Browse views (7/11/13). Upon completion they were sent to Vin Thomas at Fixel who used them to design a series of high fidelity comps. 
These are the comps I received received back from Vin Thomas of Fixel. It was during this process I started to realize that there might be a better way to work with a designer and that pairing might lead to better UX/UI development. I made a note to pursue such a process with the next major redesign projects at OpenSesame.
You can visit OpenSeame.com and search or click browse courses to view how I integrated the comps Vin provided into our Drupal based website. There are of course modifications to the final comps made to meet our unique use case and aesthetic desires not fully captured in static comps.

It was thanks to this major design project I came to an understanding that wrieframes and comps should start on paper or in a simple program like balsamiq but take life in the browser through the pairing of a visual designer and a UI developer.  By doing this we can capture extreme outliers and perfect the micro-interactions that will make or break an experience. 
OpenSesame Search/Browse

OpenSesame Search/Browse

Wireframes and visual design integration of OpenSesame.com current header, browse and search views.


Creative Fields