This is the start of my summer project (and maybe a bit beyond that). After a conversation about Unilever and the variety of brands they own and manage, I decided I would create my own overall brand, then the brand of the products underneath, all within a theme.

RandProducts will be the overall brand. I have designed it to be readable, clear and clean. With the focus being that it will not distract from the product its on or act as a visual obstruction. I have done this through a clean look and colour scheme (it will be appearing in black and white). 
I envision the end product being displayed in a hardback book with the designs of the brands and information on the designs being inside. I could alternately have t-shirts or caps printed with the brand logos, then I could use these as props, talking points in interviews. Or just so I become a walking billboard for my brand and what I can make. 

The full project will be shown on https://randproducts.myportfolio.com and updates and current work will be posted on instagram (link in my bio). 



The introduction to my summer personal project, in-between my second and third years at university.
