For my Main Project I created a campaign to show kids with disabilities that they are just as strong as superheroes. To do this, I found 19 different Marvel superheros who either have their own disabilities/abnormalities/struggles, and created posters, advertisements and a colouring book to show them.

The images above show posters of my illustrations - kids that are wearing clothing inspired by the Marvel characters, and you'll notice the one on the left has an eye patch - this is in reference to Nick Fury, who wears an eye patch because he is blind in one eye.
These mock-ups show the cover, inside pages and back cover of the colouring book. On the inside pages, you'll notice that there are short descriptions about the issues that the heroes face.
I also came up with an idea for an app which allows kids to create themselves as superheroes, just like the ones in the first poster examples, and they can go on to buy their images as poster prints for their bedrooms.
Following this, I came up with an idea for a competition, where kids can either use the colouring book (as there are 'Build Your Own Hero' features at the back of the book), or any other craft materials to once again create themselves as a superhero. If they submit their work, they can win a poster of their design, drawn in the style of the project illustrations.
I also created a short Instagram carousel to advertise the competition.
Other pieces of work included creating profile images and banners for social media pages (shown on the monitor screen), and a storyboard for a video advertisement (shown on the laptop screen).
The final piece of collateral that I produced was a series of street lamp banners that could be put around cities to advertise the competition.
Main Project