Eames Card Design

The Eames card design project is a project were students take a theme or idea and make a set of interlocking cards that represent their idea. The concept comes from the Computer House of Cards, designed by Charles and Ray Eames, dated back to the IBM Pavilion during the 1970 World’s Fair in Osaka, Japan. They are tremendously rare as they were created as souvenirs for guests, and were printed only once. 

The audience-The audience for this card design is young children and lovers of Michigan wildlife.

The Goal-The goal of this card set is to make a set of cards that are educational and fun to look at and explore.

Concept-The concept for my card design is make a design that gives off the feel and look of Michigan wildlife and has an educational side as well, I imagine young children and family's having these cards to events and working together to create the tallest card stack.

Challenges that I faced while making this set was deciding what images to use In the cards such as animals, landscapes, or seasons, and also there was the struggle of finding out what feel I want to portray. But, in the end I settled with the natural look.
Cards Ideation Phase-(This set was one of the ideations before the final)
Eames Card design

Eames Card design
