The Bianshui Hongqiao in the Shangming River in Qingming is the earliest discovered wooden arch bridge in China. The bridge body is strong and stable, and the existing wooden arch bridges have gathered in Fujian and Zhejiang.

The shape is an arch and the structure is a beam.
将编木拱桥最简化,就是由数个 “工” 组成,单个 “工” 利用榫卯结构连接。桥体之所以承受重压及保持长久的稳固,是因为 “工” 与 “工” 之间利用剪切力互相支撑。
The most simplified wooden arch bridge is composed of several  "工" , and a single  "工"  is connected by a tenon-mortise structure. The reason why the bridge body is under heavy pressure and remains stable for a long time is because the "工" and "工" support each other with shear forces.

I think this structure will be very suitable for furniture, so there are the following series of furniture.
我想能走进人们生活的文化,才是最好的传承吧。₍₍ ᕕ⍢ᕗ⁾⁾
I think it's the best heritage to be able to walk into the culture of people's lives.

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