Hayley JENKINS's profile

Task 8: Everyday Objects

Exercise bands - The exercise bands have helped keep my sanity as the cold weather starts to roll in so I’ve been doing home exercises with my Mum.

Plant - I keep the plant on my desk when I’m studying to just try and break up the workspace. It reminds of not taking advantage of the little things.

Bohnanza - One of my younger brothers (who’s 9) and I have been playing this game a lot to try and have a laugh with each other. 

Laptop - My laptop has been an absolute saviour, I’ve been able to keep up with most my school work and skype with all my friends at both dickson and tuggeranong.

Dog lead - Being able to spend more time with my dog has been really nice, especially because she’s a cuddler. She is a reminder to go outside at least once a day for a walk with her.

Earphones - Listening to music has kept me connected but also helped me relax when I know I’m starting to get easily agitated

Books - These books have help me 100 times over, isolation has allowed me to properly research and consider what I want to do when I leave school. I’ve had them since year 10 but never read them. 

Tea - I used to jokingly make fun of my grandparents for drinking so much tea but during isolation I have started drinking it to stop myself from drinking overly sugary drinks. 

Perfume - Spring is my favourite season because you can smell the flowers in my garden throughout the house, now being winter and not being allowed to go anywhere I always either have a candle or diffuser on. As well as a floral perfume/ moisturiser.

Task 8: Everyday Objects

Task 8: Everyday Objects


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