Co-Working Space for Cappellini

This project is a collaboration between Istituto Marangoni and the italian brand Cappellini; It consists in designing an ephemeral and contemporary co-working area, which is one of four different spaces that form the Cappellini Supercampus. The goal is for the project to be exhibited in the Salone del Mobile 2020, which will take place at the Superstudio in Milan, Italy.

The design exemplifies three main different working environments, each represented by a different area: Informal working space, Concentration area and the more traditional Coworking area.
The project, at its core, tries to express the main identity of Cappellini: the universal aspect of the brand, the minimalist forms and solid colors, and the timeless connection between technology and handicraft. 

Like the brand, it has a strong identity, which is portrayed in the concept used to develop the space: “Diversity in contrast”. This refers to the diversity of both Cappellini and the city of Milan. It represents peculiarity, variety, duality and the unusual that comes with diverse environments.
Co-Working Space for Cappellini