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Clear Goals Equals Better Book Marketing

Clear Goals Equals Better Book Marketing
Setting clear goals from the start is essential, and professional book publicity can help you meet or exceed all of those goals. When deciding how to market a book, the most critical question is, What are my goals? Answers to that question may include selling books, developing your reputation as an author, or promoting your business through attention to your book. The professionals at Smith Publicity state that custom-tailoring marketing campaigns for each book and author are crucial because no two campaigns, books, or authors are alike.

Publicity activities that generate media coverage are always crucial for every author and publisher. Sales can be stimulated through targeted outreach to media outlets interested in the book's topic. Maximizing publicity by pitching traditional media outlets that include TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines is the best match to support online media and traditional media websites. Articles in print publications and broadcast interviews help reach more readers who will buy books.

Building name recognition relies on the development of an author brand, which Smith refers to as personality cultivation. Once an author is known and well-received, chances that future books written by the same person will be successful tend to increase. It's also beneficial to self-publish your first book, which can help attract traditional publishers. For non-fiction authors, creating a clear path to becoming an expert on your subject can lead to regular media coverage.

Your book can be a useful tool to promote your business, especially when it leads to speaking engagements. Many prominent corporate executives and leaders in their professions write books to uphold their views and establish their expertise. Publicity and attention bring a wide variety of opportunities – all of which can be sparked by a book that is expertly marketed.
Clear Goals Equals Better Book Marketing

Clear Goals Equals Better Book Marketing


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