Ariane B's profile

Color Harmony - Farbharmonien

Color Harmony - Farbharmonie
A free color coordination project
following a more free-style approach
against established harmony rules

Farbharmonien ('color harmonies') is a color coordination project about honing a more care-free and less brain-centered approach to color combination.

Colors for each cluster are chosen at random or quick instinct in a split second and arranged in a three-color cluster (two boxes, two stripes) against all further internal wishes to 'edit' more.

The quick succession regarding the creation of clusters forces an acceptance of imperfectness in the artist and unfolds its harmonic allure in a later, more comprehensive viewing.

- 2019
Color Harmony - Farbharmonien


Project Made For

Color Harmony - Farbharmonien

A cluster-based harmony exercise in acceptance of color coordination.
