Aaron Jean's profile

Exhibition: Without Context - Portraits

Exhibition: Without Context
Series: BW & Color Portraits
An exhibition about expectation. We give an image our attention, we expect answers for our gaze. Advertisers and algorithms have perfected this form of commerce and the more satisfying the answers, the more satiated yet, addicted we become. I prefer questions instead of answers. I prefer feelings instead of responses and I prefer “hmmm” instead of “ahah!”

Images start a conversation, but you have to see the shapes and the lines and you have to ask the questions. There are no answers, only humans, physicality, emotion and shape. We are the context, not the image.

We imagine that a true portrait captures someone’s soul or tells the truth…but I think a good portrait asks a good question and reveals a part of ourselves.

You can visit my exhibition  "Without Context" now at Ara Crinis Calle San Lorenzo, 5 Madrid, Spain
Exhibition: Without Context - Portraits


Exhibition: Without Context - Portraits
