Kitchen Tools
mixed media
A great exercise in working loosely and refining areas as you progress. Leaving parts that were drawn previously in one location or with a different light source and working up to a finalized image of the tools arranged. The drawing began as just an illustration board with gesso applied. Then working loosely with a pencil, added linear drawings of the tools. From this base another, thin layer of gesso was applied so that the lines were barely visible. This created a nice ground to start with. Better than starting with a blank canvas.

The drawing then began taking shape as ink drips, drops and splatters changed the landscape, reacting to the brush strokes left by applying the gesso. Then charcoal dust was added to rough in the shapes of the finalized tools. Using charcoal pencil and cont
é crayon allowed for refinement of edges. A strong directional light was applied to the tools adding new shapes to work with.

I enjoyed the grittiness of the gesso, ink and charcoal combination.
Kitchen Tools

Kitchen Tools

A gritty drawing of kitchen utensils using mixed media.
