The breeze flips a page on my book and I hear a ping on my phone. It's a friend that I haven't heard from for a while. He has sent me a voice note. It's a song I last heard him sing three years back. A day later, a friend writes me to me 'hey, I made this after such a long time... Thought I should send it to you' and sends me a screenshot of a book she is working on. That afternoon, a distant friend also sends a me a painting, saying he hadn't touched paint for such a long time but it felt nice today. A while back a friend also told me about a fat book she started last year, that she probably will get to finish now. Last night, somebody sent me a DM on Twitter, forwarding a link that she is certain that I'd love. This morning a friend sent me a song she made - wrote and composed - and even if I couldn't see her face as she sent the file to me, I know she feels alive to have made something so beautiful after so long. 
I LOVE how boredom is doing this to them. Pushing them to do things that actually makes them feel alive. And wow, the way that they thought I should see or know what they are up to even if we haven't talked for a while now, makes me feel happy.



A quarantine art ~
