Plow The Bones
With an artist’s eye for language and form, Douglas F. Warrick sculpts surreal topiary landscapes of dream worlds made coherent. Dip into a story that is self-aware and wishes it were different than what it must be recounting a secret held by a ventriloquist dummy. Wander a digital desert with an AI as sentience sparks revolution. Follow a golem band that dissolves over the love of a groupie. 

In these pages, interdimensional lampreys feed on a dying man’s most precious memories, and a manga artist’s sketches remake Osaka into part fantasy, part nightmare. Combining elements of fantasy, magical realism and horror, the collection floats on a distinctly literary voice that is creepy, surreal and just plain weird.
Another piece done for Apex Publications. This one is the first of the new Apex Voices Book series. I was provided cover art and worked with Jason Sizemore throughout the project.
Plow The Bones


Plow The Bones

