Polythene inflatable exhibited at the Leeds Corn Exchange. The giant inflatable womb was erected, and opened to the public, with invitations to play sit or sleep. Inside a video looped; projected onto the back wall of the womb. The video mixed sound and footage of the hectic city, with a dancer who was exploring confinement & anxiety, as well as freedom & comfort through expressive dance. She was traditionally trained in ballet, but practiced a more emotive response to the music and themes. 

At the end of the day the public were invited to watch the live dance performance concealed inside the womb, as the audience members stood outside. In a way it was a non audience performance, as you could only see slithers of her form through the plastic sheet. The dance performance and inflatable womb represented finding solitude and personal space in a crowded environment. 

A collaborative project with Paloma Jordan Grimm and Poppy Collins. Performance by Grace Capewell.


Polythene inflatable exhibited at the Leeds Corn Exchange. The public was encouraged to go inside and experience muffled silence in the centre of Read More
