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North Face deforestation campaign

For large brands like the NorthFace advertising campaigns can be used to do more than sell products. In today's world with ever evolving problems large brands can use their large distributing systems to bring awareness to these issues. Hence the NorthFace Keep them rooted campaign. This series of poster ads are aimed at bringing awareness to deforestation in America, to customers who may not be aware of the situation.

Target audience:
Outdoor enthusiasts and consumers between the ages of 18-35, who would care about world issues and have the means to further research the topic.

Problem solved:
Brings attention to an issue that directly affects American citizens, That they themselves may or may not have been aware of.
Direct mail:
For those consumers who are not avid North Face customers this direct mailer will be sent out. This is to draw attention to the larger campaign. This ad is designed to be a follow up to the poster ads. Hopefully giving the customer some form of assurance that they can make a change.
North Face deforestation campaign

North Face deforestation campaign
