According to the Great Norwegian Lexicon, ''Design is the process of determining the final appearance of a product prioritising both function and appearance.'' 
This definition may be somewhat reminiscent of the definition of art. offers a fairly accurate definition that is divided into four different categories. Art can then be defined as: 
- Something that has value in itself 
- Something that can provoke
-  Something that can be interpreted differently by anyone
-  Something that is on display 

But here comes the problem: Design can also have value in itself, design can also provoke, design can also be interpreted a few different ways and design can also be exhibited. 

Where is the line between art and design?
This book compiles two radically different views, illustrates them and lets the user make their mind about it. 
At this point, you would need to turn the book around to read the other side as it would be upside down in real life. 
© Book design, typography and graphics - 𝔟𝔩𝔨 𝔪𝔩𝔡
© The Existing Condition, Vladimir&vladimir (
© Design is not Art, Austin Knight (
Design isn't art

Design isn't art
