Estudio Ánimo ™'s profile

Banco Nación Argentina / VR Experience

Banco Nación contacted us to develop a graphic adventure in VR for the “Tecnópolis” event. The guideline was to create a dynamic and simple experience that would make finance easy for children. We worked on the script, aesthetics, development, and app programming.

Who would have thought that finance could be so fun?
The idea was to work with a gamer aesthetic, captivating children by using a language they would understand, and  incorporating basic financial concepts in a didactic and dynamic way. The user had the possibility to choose between the path of SAVING - INVESTMENT or the path of CONSUMPTION. In both paths, a roller coaster took them through different moments and forced them to face different challenges of financial life.
Banco Nación Argentina / VR Experience


Banco Nación Argentina / VR Experience
