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Urinary Tract Infection-Corporate Social Responsibility

The aim of the present project is to increase health care capacity by providing improved health care services designed to meet the needs of individuals, families and communities. It also aimed to develop a range of models and initiatives that could be implemented around us in safe, efficient and effective manner to support the implementation of Better Health, Better Care and Equally Well.
For this we were told to choose one Hindustan Unilever Limited Brand.

Helping hand- Anagha Kshatriya

Name of the brand:

About Domex: 
Ever since 1929, Domex has been providing effective sanitation to people across the globe. Over the years, Domex has provided families with protection from harmful germs. The sheer power of Domex gives you the confidence you need in eradicating all known germs. Domex is committed to raising hygiene standards by improving general hygiene and health standards in communities around the world. In India, Domex has effectively fought poor sanitation and germs since 1997. As a part of Hindustan Unilever, Domex has its focus on helping people maintain clean and healthy lives. Domex believes in improving sanitation facilities and making clean and safe toilets accessible to everyone.

Objectives of Domex: 
• Domex toilet cleaner not only gives you a clean & shiny toilet but also kills all germs and thereby safeguards your family. 
• Toilet germs may spread and cause diseases like Jaundice, Diarrhoea, Swine Flu and Typhoid. While ordinary toilet cleaners may be ineffective in tackling this, Domex Toilet Cleaner eradicates all disease-causing germs. 
*when used undiluted kills germs which include bacteria, virus and fungi. 
• Available in zero stain and original bleach variants.

The relationship between health and wellbeing appears to have two-way causality, i.e. good health improves wellbeing and good wellbeing improves health.

At the beginning we were given three topics out of which I choose to work under the topic “Improve people’s health and well-being” and under this I choosed to emphasis on ‘URINARY TRACT INFECTION’ The cause I have selected falls under the category of public welfare. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can happen anywhere in the urinary system (which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra), but they are most often caused by bacteria (germs) that get into the bladder. UTIs are also called bladder infections. UTIs are common, especially in women. More than half of women will have at least one UTI at some point in life. UTIs are serious and often painful. But most UTIs are easy to treat with antibiotics.

Washroom Front View - Inside View - Back View
Who is affected by this? 
According to the Stanford Medicine’s Michael Hsieh Lab, 
• Half of women and men will have experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI) during lifetime at least once. 
• They are the most common infection, and can lead to death in patients who are experiencing it severely. 
• For women, the risk of getting a UTI is 50 percent greater than a man. 
Poster design - Machine design - Package design
Understanding the Target Audience: 
About more than 50% womens will get infected with UTI at some time in their lives. Every service or a brand has a particular target market. It is a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed. Based on this research I finalized ‘Females’ as my target audience.
Infograph design
Infograph design
Expected impact of the work on the target customers: 
I think this CSR can create a positive impact on the target market. There are more than 50% womens living with UTI every year in India. This CSR assesses the level of health & hygiene awareness for self and for others in a critical social scenario. This CSR helps to create a positive approach and gives people ability to adapt this and make it as a habit to stay hygienic. This can make people understand the harsh reality of a UTI’s daily life. From what kinds of terrifying conditions they go through every day.
Urinary Tract Infection-Corporate Social Responsibility

Urinary Tract Infection-Corporate Social Responsibility

The aim of the present project is to increase health care capacity by providing improved health care services designed to meet the needs of indiv Read More
