Anna Levchynska's profile

Midi Scripts Branding

Midi Scripts

Midi Scripts is an electronic downtempo music project based in San Francisco, California. 

Midi Scripts music brings chill, dreamy, almost ambient vibes. Atmosphere promotes inner world reflection and meditative state of mind. The project takes inspiration from nature, acoustic instruments and hardware-based gear warmth.

While working on Midi Scripts branding I tried to recreate the project’s chill atmosphere through graphic elements. The combination of organic elements and sacred geometry symbolism led me through the creative process of logo design for this project.
Color Sheme

Color scheme is inspired by an enchanting beauty of nature: shadows beneath the trees in the forest, sunlight scattering through leaves and lighting the pieces of grass, moss covering the roots. 

Thank you for feedback! 
If you would like me to design a project for you, please, email me:
Midi Scripts Branding


Midi Scripts Branding

Midi Scripts is an electronic downtempo music project based in San Francisco, California. While working on Midi Scripts branding I tried to recre Read More
