Painting in fusion with traveling. It can be done, has been done so many times by too many Great names and will still be done infinitely more... Even when you have to carry
a wet canvas topped with oil paint along the way. It happened to me once, some time ago, back in 2015. I didn` t bother carrying a full set of heavy equipement while being on
a 80-days long backpacking trip abroad. I was armed to the teeth. The journey resulted
in many watercolours and between 6-10 paintings on canvas effected in my spare time. Here is what I kept from this adventure.
Rouen, France, 2015
Rouen, France, 2015
Rouen, France 2015
Rouen, France 2015
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, after Caravaggio
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, after Caravaggio
Bretagne, France, Copper vessel and traitional britannic foods
Paris, Grand Palais
Paris, Musée d' Orsay
Paris, Petit Palais
Puszczykowo, This painting not only made my trip possible but there was so much more hidden in those lovely garden flowers. It marked the very beginning of my 80-day long route.

