
DMJX // Sonic College project.

In this project, we had a two day collaboration with Sonic College, an education for sound designers and how animation and sound can bring visuals to another level. 

As designers we use our senses; animators are purely visual, and sound designers are purely focused on sound. So what is our middleground? Smell. 

Smell was our theme for this two days course, and our challenge was how we could visualize it together with sound. 

We were given two smells, one calm and one sharp. We went to the storyboards and made it into a little story of an invading smell, that becomes part of the existing, and turning into something third and pleasing. 

Only after our presentation we found out what the given smells actually was. 
The first was rubber, and the second was church essence. 

Quite ironic, since the ending is quite… divine. 

With only two days of production, we went with abstract art that felt organic, almost visualising how smell would look like if you could see it. Everywhere, surrounding peacefully and adapting to new smells that can start as unspleasent, but end as quite pleasing. 

This is highlights from our moodboards, searching for a style that seemed suitable.

