the implementation of the greenary to the office and public space with softseating selfwatering system.
Contact with nature is one of our basic needs that was writen in our evolution path. It calms, reduces stress but also strenghtens our sense of belonging to the place. During breaks it increases its effectivness up to 15% as well as stimulate our creativity at work.

The Wić collection is about the implementation of greenery to the workplace and public space. Its structure is intended to stimulate interactions between people, but also to allows arrangements of more private and quiet places. Wić is supposed to bring us closer to nature as part of short-term work or less unformal meetings. It implements biofilic design to the public space throw softseating system with self watering. The Wić is dedicated to the open office spaces, waiting rooms, airports, shopping centers. Greenery, which climbs on a three dimentional structure and creates various screens that changes with time and plants growth. 

System contains sofseating elements, tables and frames that provides various possibilites of arrnagments due to given space and user expectations. 

2019, MA project at University of the Arts in Poznan 
supervisor: Mateusz Wróblewski
in cooperation with: Zdzisław Sobierajski (Buissnes Friendly Design) and Ridex



the implementation of greenary to the office and publice space with softseating, selfwatering system
