Shining a light on amazing productions...
The next project that came across my creative desk was a series of playbills that needed to be made to showcase the acting talent of New Image College in Downtown Vancouver. As a school for Acting, Makeup & Esthetics, they have a lot of creative categories that need different levels of exposure both in print and digital forms. One of those forms is the playbills you can see here.

With the exception of "A Tennessee Night", the rest of the covers were provided by the students involved in the play. I pooled together the rest of the materials from research on each play, finding, editing and placing relevant backgrounds that would convey the overall feel of the story or stories being presented, sometimes photographing the sets produced for the plays and full dress rehearsals for the sake of strengthening the message that we wanted to convey with these playbills: these students are talented actors waiting to star in your shows and films.

When possible, I'd take a little time to tweak photos such as the theatre on the front of "A Tennessee Night", or the back cover for the booklets that has a modified photo I shot of Granville Street showcasing NIC's lit up sign (which by the way, currently doesn't light up).

These playbills would fall into the hands of not only the students' audiences, but also casting agents and directors interested in finding new local talent. It was always a true pleasure to participate in helping these new faces on their journey to success, and also to help the talented crews helping them shine as well. 


A good playbill can be the difference between a play getting the right exposure and its actors being presented in the best light possible...
