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Want to Know How to Market a Book?

Want to Know How to Market a Book?

The internet is filled with advice about how to market a book – some of it is correct, while other parts are not as helpful. According to the pros at Smith Publicity, effective book marketing requires a combination of tactics. But they are selected depending on the book, author, and target audience. The concept of discoverability is the key to everything. It means getting information about the book into places where potentially interested readers can discover it. Some of these places are obvious, and others are not.

There is also no doubt that online promotion, often through large bookselling websites, is more plentiful than ever before. But at the same time, traditional publicity methods involving articles and interviews in the media continue to produce impressive results. Anyone who tries using only one way or the other likely will not have the success that someone has who tries both. Strategic mixes of marketing vehicles significantly increase the chances for success, which is generally defined as selling books.

Author branding, or personality cultivation, is another crucial aspect. Often when potential readers find out more about an author, they become correspondingly interested in reading a book. For authors of non-fiction books, being covered in the media as a subject matter expert is an excellent way to promote a book subtly. Interviews and articles featuring the author always credit books somewhere in the content that reaches audience members. Those who are most interested will likely buy books.

It's also crucial for authors and publishers to have active social media channels. Online communication gives fans a sense of personal connection and keeps them up to date about new books. Once social media account is established, keep them active and never looking dormant. It's also crucial to keep in mind that media attention is progressive. That is to say, it often begins small and local and extends to larger national and international media over time. Hometown media can be the best place to start.
Want to Know How to Market a Book?

Want to Know How to Market a Book?


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