Fermentation is not something new, in the need to preserve food and prevent harvests from being lost, this technique was originated and is being used for thousands of years.
But along our line of thinking it is not only a process that helps us preserve food, fermentation is a transformative action in every sense.
The bacteria need specific conditions in order to live and flourish: food, temperature, anaerobic environment and time.
Fermentation gives place to this beautiful relationship where we collaborate by generating those conditions that bacteria need and they in their interaction with us, provide benefits for our health.

Las Polish Fermentos is an artistic, culinary and itinerant project that aims at full knowledge about food by assambling it with its history, political, economic and social impact such as: agriculture, food markets and policies, gender and migration approaches, commensality, hospitality, celebrations and daily meals, among others.
It is born from the need to understand creative processes from other points of view, ways of thinking, sense and living from nutrition, cooking, food and its universes across experimentation and transformation. 
Through Fermentation it intend to deepen and develop these themes, evolve in the knowledge of cycles, rhythms and languages related to our culinary identity and as a potentiator, we believe that Biodiversity is the power of probiotics and this can be simply an indicator towards a conscious and active food or can be expanded and understand that unions and collaborations are the basis for a positive conspiracy, inspired by symbiotic relationships that maintain microorganisms to develop without competing in size or strength.



Creative Fields