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Book Marketing Works Better with Clear Goals?

Book Marketing Works Better with Clear Goals?

The most important question to ask when deciding how to market a book is, what are your goals? Three of the most popular are selling books, developing yourself as an author, or using your book as a promotion tool for your business. Professional book marketing can help you accomplish some or even all of them, but having clear goals in mind from the start is crucial. The experts at Smith Publicity advise that it is vital to custom tailor marketing campaigns for each book and author because no two are alike.

Because selling books is important to virtually every author and publisher, publicity activities that generate media coverage are always important. Targeted outreach to media known to be interested in the topic of a book is one of the surest ways to spark sales. Opportunities abound online, but it's wise to also make a pitch to traditional media, including TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines – and their websites. Broadcast interviews and articles in publications reach readers who can buy books.

Building author brand, which Smith refers to as personality cultivation, gets your name out and earns you recognition. Once an author becomes well known and highly regarded, there is an increased chance that future books written by the same person will be a success. It also helps to attract traditional publishers if you chose to self-publish your first book. If you're a non-fiction author, there can be a clear path to becoming an often-quoted expert on your subject, which leads to frequent media coverage.

Many corporate leaders and people who are prominent in their professions write books to advance priorities and demonstrate their expertise. The book can automatically become a business promotion tool, especially as it relates to speaking engagements. Getting in front of audiences significantly increases the chances people will want to hire you or your business. Publicity and exposure bring opportunities on many levels – and it can all begin with a book that is expertly marketed.

Book Marketing Works Better with Clear Goals?

Book Marketing Works Better with Clear Goals?


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