Redesign of Weezer's Pinkerton Album. It was released in 1996, and I wanted to represent the nostalgia many fans feel when listening to the songs in this album. I decided to make the front cover look like a polaroid photo and added some color to it by editing a 3-dimensional retro effect to the photo. I added a piece of 'tape' at the top to make it look homemade, as this was one of Weezer's earlier albums, before they got more well-known. 
I decided to keep the inside paper sleeve white to help add more contrast to the overall set.
I wanted to utilize Weezer's more contemporary "W" logo and still manage to keep it unified with the rest of the cover design so I added a similar 3-D effect that I did with the front cover photo. 
Vinyl Album Cover

Vinyl Album Cover

Redesign of Weezer's Pinkerton album
