For me, my hometown is inseparable from my childhood. When I think of my childhood, I still have some fresh memories. After school, I‘d happily roll with my friends on the grass on the way home. Every time I went back home, looking down the path from the bus stop, it was the quietness of Grandma's house. In order to save money from the breakfast, my friend and I did not have the energy to walk home and crouched under the eaves of the others'.
After school in summer, the little friends laughed and jumped home with their schoolbags. The embankment is the way we must go. We would put the schoolbags in the grass by the embankment, lie down and roll from the slope to the slope, climb to the slope and then rolling down, we'd never feel tired. Over the slope is a large oasis, and next to the embankment is a large willow forest. In spring, we'd pull some beautiful branches to make small sticks.
I started boarding at the age of 10. Grandma's house was in a small village near the national highway. Every weekend I took a bus to my grandma's and get off there. I could see her house through the cement road with poplars along both sides. At that time, there was a big tree out the door. I didn't know the name, but I was no longer there when I was a child. So every time I see or hear a word about "township", this is the picture.
I once felt that a small yard in front of the door, and a big tree in the yard was considered home.

When I was young, I was obsessed with saving money. In winter, we wouldn't go home for lunch at noon, and go home from 3 pm. In order to save money, my deskmate and I did not spend any pocket money in the morning. By the end of the afternoon, both of us were so hungry that we couldn't walk. We walked a few steps then sat under other's roof for a while.


Homesickness For me, my hometown is inseparable from my childhood. When I think of my childhood, I still have some fresh memories. After school, Read More
