The Beauty In The Beast | Scrap Installation

The Beauty In The Beast.

There was a moment in the backfields, we stood in the middle of shattered glass,broken buckets, more pieces of discarded human history. We stood there in the middle of all this waste that we’ve spewed out of our insane chase after consumerism, and fell in love with the opportunity to create something beautiful out of this tragic mess. 
We asked ourselves, what is beauty? And then what is the grotesque, when the mystery and excitement of single moment can blanket it all? There is some power that takes the discarded, that takes the broken, that takes the wasted, and twists it together to give it a heart. When Ann Darrow stood on King Kong’s palm, minuscule in the presence of this massive brute, she saw nothing but pain and longing shining in Kong’s eyes, and the mystery of that hidden connection was enough to 
sway her over.
Did all the cruelty of man mean anything at all, when being with Ann made Kong feel almost beautiful?
Everything and everyone that said they weren’t enough, shattered in the hands of romance.

By the river, in the jungle, we build a monster out of waste.
A monster to tower over you and gaze into your soul.
Look back.
Recognise the rejection of waste, the product of our consumerism, 
and understand that there is worth in it.
It’s life doesn’t end, because you get to make the choice to let it thrive.
The grotesque becomes the beautiful.
The rejected becomes the treasured.
The beast becomes the beauty.
Romance lives on.

Walk through of the installation

Time lapse of the process
Scrap installation made as a part of Monsoon Fiesta, an Intra College Festival in the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.
The theme was Romance and the installation was made in 36 hours, including space allocation and material collection.
The Beauty In The Beast | Scrap Installation