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how to prevent your cat from missing

How to Prevent Your Cat from Going Missing
Your cat getting lost or wandering off too far is possibly your greatest fear. One day you wake up, and you can’t find your furry little friend anywhere in the house. Sound familiar? Well, don’t worry as this guide will go over how you can keep your four-legged companion from leaving your immediate vicinity. ID tag to their collar
Collars are a must for your cat. It's more than just a cute piece of jewelry; it helps differentiate your cat from strays. But what if your collar could be more than that?
Most people get numbers or their email engraved on a collar so people can contact them. You should also ensure the information on the collar is up to date. The last thing you want is a kind stranger finding your furry friend, but they have no way of contacting you. Email addresses rarely change, making them ideal for information that you should put on collars.
#2.Get a Microchip Implant
A microchip implant is one of the more controversial steps you can take when ensuring your cat's safety. While many activists believe that an implant is very intrusive, I’ll let you decide on that one. It is a very quick procedure, though, and your cat will only feel a little sting.
However, it is hard to overlook the benefits that a microchip implant can provide. Unlike collars, cats can’t simply shrug off microchip implants. So you can track them no matter how far they stray.
Another major benefit to the tracking chip is that you can prove ownership of your cat in the event that someone steals them.
#3.Secure their Surroundings
Add screens on your door and windows, and add a fence to your yard to secure their surroundings. You should always make it more difficult for your cat to leave the house in the first place.
Barricading your house may seem a little excessive, but the truth is running off is especially common among stray cats your rescue. Outdoor cats live almost half as long as indoor cats due to the many other factors outside. Factors like the elements, traffic, and other animals can put your furry companion at great risk.
#4.Get a Pet Tracker
Pet trackers are possibly the best option for people that have issues with our previous suggestions. Cat trackers have the added advantage of Bluetooth connectivity, so you can track them constantly through your phone. But these trackers come with the issue of range.
On the other hand, you can also get GPS trackers that are much easier to track and have a much farther range. This tracking device sits perfectly on your cat’s collar and offers the same tracking as an implant but is less intrusive.
Final Thoughts
Keep your cute and cuddly feline safe from harm by ensuring they stay at home. In conclusion, you may have to look at all of these suggestions and will have to find what your cat is most comfortable with.
About the author
Steven, a cat lover, to help your find the suitable cat tracking devices, if you find it useful, please share it to let more people know.
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how to prevent your cat from missing

how to prevent your cat from missing



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