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Watercolor children’s book illustrations
Everyone Want To ...

Children's Book Illustrations 
Vikki Zhang
2019 May |  New York
Illustration spreads selected from my latest published children's book, consisting of 4 volumes. Here mainly shares volume 3, a story about crossing the bridge. Forest friends found a log across the river. Pleasantly surprised, everyone eagerly awaiting their turn to walk through the log bridge. But the well-ordered queue was frequently disturbed by crashes. Those animals getting the first place in different ways, making use of their own advantage. Here shows the giraffe using his height to stand in front of crowd. 
The art tools I used here are chocolate charcoal pencil and watercolors. 
In this scene, the lion occupied the first place. He scared away the rest with his loud voice and bad temper. 
Elephant didn’t have to fight hard in any games. She casually sat there and no one got the chance to win.
Creation progress

I took part in SCBWI winter conference held in New York 2019 February, where an illustrator shared her thumbnails on A4 paper. She did that at staring point of each book. I heard this method before but hardly practice it. This time I made the one page thumbnail  and really got benefit from this step. 
Illustrations from the other three stories. Each volume owns a theme color according to the mood of experience. 
Thank you :-)

Instagram : @0717vikki
Weibo: 张文绮@Vikki_Zhang

Watercolor children’s book illustrations


Watercolor children’s book illustrations

Children’s books illustrations featuring forest scenes and animals by Vikki Zhang
