
Lebbre incorporates 3D printing technology in parts of its products, such as the soles of sneakers, through collaborations with other companies. We were tasked with developing and concretizing the brand's concept, purpose, and attributes.

Innovation and Audacity: The brand's personality is rooted in bold innovation, embracing the courage to explore and create infinite possibilities with new materials. This modern, youthful approach aligns with a target audience that values cutting-edge technology and alternative products.

Technical Credibility: Complementing its audacious spirit, the brand also emphasizes credibility through its technological prowess. This attribute ensures that innovations are grounded in factual advancements, meeting the public's expectations for technological progress.


Direção de criação: V. Müller
Pesquisa e conteúdo: G. Sauer
Naming: E. Matos, G. Sauer e V. Müller



Lebbre, a brand born from FCC's innovative spirit, represents the fusion of 3D printing technology with fashion. Our task was to develop a distin Read More
