For healthcare brand Merck’s office space in Philadelphia, the client wanted to activate the space with custom artwork and branding elements that felt tied to their ethos and locality.

I developed a mural design for the open seating lounge area that was loosely inspired by art deco compositions, paying tribute to the architecture of the deco-era building construction. The mural geometry was also deconstructed from the shape of Merck’s logo, and brand colors were added to bring color into the space.

Other unique and local-centric details in the space include framed photography of local Philadelphia architectural cityscapes as well as a neon behind reception to inspire a unique branded welcome moment.

Interior Design: Bianca Koch
Design & Art Direction: Simi Mahtani
Mural Painting: Ben Kopp, Nick Paparone, Briana Garza
Merck Offices


Merck Offices

For healthcare brand Merck’s office space in Philadelphia, the client wanted to activate the space with custom artwork and branding elements that Read More
