Sam Crawford's profile

Form Exploration / Art Center

This project was part of a form exploration studio done in a grad architecture studio at UCLA. The project functions as one mass that intends to distort its perception as a monolithic form through the vague combination of parts and pieces.

The composition creates blurry edges that confuse the eye as to whether the project is one massing or a few masses combined. The result is a mysterious, vague aggregate that uses inharmonious and interdependent parts that seem to compete for the outline of the building. This effect is produced by parts that are offset, sheared, and misaligned at the seams, as well as added and subtracted in places to disturb the massing from obvious singularity.

The interior works as interlocking parts that are then subdivided by into smaller spaces. The interlocking parts reference, but do not depend on, the exterior massing geometry. The program is an art center, with a school, theaters, art studios, and live work spaces for students and professionals. These programs are not independent from each other, the puzzle piece geometry of the interlocking parts allows the program to have flexibility as it works through the building on both a sectional and a plan organization.

The texture adds to the effect of vague massing by confusing the eye to where the parts join, add and subtract - the line work has places of higher and lower densities that do not depend on the seams of the parts, creating a mis-reading of where the shadows are and a false sense of depth on flat surfaces. The line work is continuous black and white curves that work to blur the pieces together and confuse the massing.

The result is an inharmonious massing that celebrates the singularity and differences of crossover cultural aspects of an art center.
Form Exploration / Art Center

Form Exploration / Art Center
