

"Homesick" was developed for the Global Game Jam 2019 and it won the first prize at our city. We decided to change the meaning of the topic "what does home mean to you?" and make it in a way that maybe not everybody feels their house as their home. With this we tell the story of a young girl that loves her duck teddy but there is a monster in her house that haunts her and takes it from her. The player will have to recover, fix and flee with the teddy withour being caught by the giant monster.

My Contributions

-   Some enviromental 2D assets
-   Programming of some gameplay of the main character
-   Programming of the audio sources
-   Game and level design
-   All the animations of the main character and the monster

Project Details

-   Developed in Unity Engine
-   Not available
-   Winner at the Global Game Jam Granada 2019




Creative Fields