Dominic Gwinn's profile

March For Our Lives. Wash. DC. 03-24-2018

Alysia Smith came to not only show her support for the students marching, but to also remind people that there are many communities where threats of gun violence are part of the daily struggle.
Molly Loughney is an 18 senior from Westport, Connecticut. She came down with her family for the march and talked to us about how kids in her school have been spurred to action by the students from Parkland.
Cathy Hardman, her daughter Ella, 12, joined New Jersey teacher Max Jacobs and talked to us about what it's like being in schools before and after the Parkland, both as students and teachers.
Joel, Abigail, and Raphael, ages 8, 7, and 12, came from Virginia with their mom to march in support of common sense gun laws.
March For Our Lives. Wash. DC. 03-24-2018

March For Our Lives. Wash. DC. 03-24-2018

On March 24, 2018, almost 2 million people rallied in Washington DC for the March For Our Lives, a student led protest calling for stricter gun c Read More
