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Social Justice Poster

Project 3 // Social Justice Poster
For this project we were instructed to create a social justice poster for what threatens our culture. After feedback from the class I came to the conclusion that my culture, having to do with self expression and being yourself, was mostly threatened by judgement and being afraid of not fitting in.

Step One // Research Doc, Personas, Audit Board
For my research doc I searched ways to stand out and statistics of people who fear judgement. A great amount of articles were found about teens or early 20's, so I made my personas based on a younger age group.
For my audit boards I wanted to show feelings of wanting to embrace who you truly are and being different. I also looked for posters that felt like it was expressing a social issue through its design. For example through the line perspective, the color, and the images.
Step Two // Sketches
Although none of these sketches made it to my final concept, they all have the same idea of wanting to be different and standing out. 
Step Three // Computer Sketches
For my concepts I wanted to show standing out and being yourself through using white space or breaking a repetition. I originally wanted to stick with the glasses poster, but after critique I went with the girl one since my group said it related to them the most, and that's a feeling you want to evoke.
Step Four // Revisions
When revising my computer sketches I tried to play around with pattern in the background more and moving around the text to help show the grid.

After lots of critique, it was decided to break up the text and move it around in order to help reinforce the grid. Also, the older revised sketches seemed very constrained, so I did some over lapping and had more fun with the grid so it didn't feel so tight and uncomfortable. Also, I changed the background to a cool color and the text to a warm color so the text could stand out more. Lastly, bobby pins were added to the side for comparison to the clips in the girls hair.
Social Justice Poster

Social Justice Poster


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