"I'm Gonna Lose it"

"I'm Gonna Lose It"
Collaboration between disciplines
Exposure to each other’s crafts
- Exposure to other Adobe products/creative cloud
Professional working environment
- Deadlines
- Presentation (personal professionalism & work)
- Distributing workload/delegation
- Managing calendar - WOYO
Design thinking
- Solving clients problems
- Prototyping solution
Our process began with originally with a whole other phrase but after some serious thinking we arrived on the phrase "I'm Gonna Lose It" inspired by the song "I'm Gonna Lose it" by SWMRS.
This was the process of us painting our "Lose it" sign. It was actually a very therapeutic paint session. Towards the end we kinda gave up on the brushes and just started to paint with our fingers.
The first Image is Syd taping the "Lose it" board so we did't put paint anywhere we didn't want it. The second pic is Mikey lighting our physical piece on fire. And the last picture is the final image for "Gonna" which took Mikey a vey long time to edit because he actually filmed each individual letter on fire and then composited all five videos together to make one image. 
Here is a video of Mikey and Syd fighting. The candy for "IM" was a last minute idea, so we sat in the studio and broke the candy with a rubber mallet. 
Here is our final project. It produced an organized chaotic feeling.
"I'm Gonna Lose it"

"I'm Gonna Lose it"


Creative Fields