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Logo and Branding for strict company "ЦСМС" (CSMC)

When creating a logo, there are several tasks:
- create a simple, readable, visible from afar logo
- avoid the presence in the logo of banal patterns or associative forms lying on the surface associated with metrology, standardization, certification, a piece of paper, a checkmark, a micrometer, a caliper and more.

\With the first paragraph everything seems to be clear, and with the second there may be questions. Let's figure it out: all these extra elements that only load the logo interfere with its readability. Let me give you an example: if you sew sneakers, this does not mean that your logo should be a sneaker, a sewing machine or a thread with a needle. Such logos can only make sense if you are a small company engaged in small services or low-quality products. Such a logo itself will tell the user which company it is not with the serious attitude of the owners towards it. Of course, large companies have the opposite, down to the smallest detail.
Consider examples of existing logos in the field of standardization.
Vivid examples for me were the ISO and GOST logos of the Soviet Union. They have simplicity, style, unusual dynamics, and an idea.
I gathered for myself a number of elements that are directly or indirectly related to working with the specifics of the activity of the CMSC enterprise. This does not mean that I searched and used their visual form to create a logo. This means, as I wrote above, that I was looking for internal associative ideas or forms that could be used in the font or icon of the CSMS logo. Among them were:

The control, Calipers, Ruler
Scale, Micrometer, Standard
Ethelon, Service, Consumer
Protection, Bridge, World
Ball, Land, ISO, Quality
Security, Rating, Conformity
Cooperation, Planet
I settled on the logo icon-text. Since CSMS is a company with a long name, and as I understand it, the company fundamentally needs the text and its abbreviation in the logo to be extremely understandable to the user, we use part of the logo with text. But since we still have the task of using the logo as a corporate icon, for the possibility of branding products, creating a corporate identity for documents and other printing, as well as using the logo as a schematic image of the enterprise and the ability for the user to find out which company he works with visually, and not text and font information, we use the icon.
Let's sort the individual elements in order
The text part. Logo lettering. Abbreviation and decoding, so that any user would immediately learn and remember the name of the company. 

Two radii. Two radii visually connect two parallel lines, which we will talk about later. Radii reach each other to connect in one circle. Also, the radii are a schematic representation of the planet. 

Ball. After studying all the standards, as well as the method of measuring kilograms and meters. The question was raised about introducing the sphere into the logo as one of the ideal forms. This ball also depicts a planet moving in gray “orbits” around one center, thus creating an association of one center of standards around which enterprises, “planets” are moving. It is also depicted as a pendulum ball. This ball is also part of the letters hidden in the logo, which we will talk about later.Ball
Parallel lines. Explain the possibility of two different standards moving in the same direction, for overall coordination of actions. There is also an association with rails, the movement of a train cannot be made on only one rail. The movement goes on two rails, to create the ability to move on and support each other in a common cause. Also, parallel lines are tilted to the right, and visually try to straighten back, connecting the two radii into one big circle.

Two parallel lines give the impression of moving along one trajectory, for the opportunity to collaborate and develop together, going to the same goal and helping each other.
The Upper Arc Bridge forms a bridge. From ancient times, people built bridges so that there was an opportunity to exchange goods, ideas and progress. In modern times, this bridge is aging standards to unify and simplify the creation, repair and maintenance of products.
Letters. The logo icon schematically depicts all four letters. The very first letter of blue color depicts the letter “Ts”, it is also the letter “M”, but since Ts is the first letter, and is the beginning, the letter “Ts” is easiest to see. Two letters “C” are depicted in gray and lilac.
Color scheme
Signature colors are presented in several colors. The main shade is cold blue. It is not recommended to use the logo in other colors than blue, black, gray and white. The logo of such an enterprise should be stylish, strict, seasoned and minimalistic.
For additional elements allowed to use 51% black. For additional decorative elements, or if necessary to add a simpler or festive style to documents or products, it is allowed to use a lilac color, but not more than 25% of the fillability of a sheet or object. The color scheme is presented in CMYK for working with printing products and RGB for working in electronic products.
Blue color is ideal for any branded product, as well as for use in documents and business forms. It is recommended to use the logo in black and white. In case of urgent need it is allowed to use the logo in gray tones, but if possible always use only white and black. As a final visualization, a test version of the logo animation was prepared. The animated logo is located in the archive under the name “Logo animation CSMS”, the password for the archive “LaTSSMS979%”. Animation is recommended for viewing only after studying this presentation. In the “Options” folder, there are all the necessary logo images. These colors are based on corporate colors and can be used everyday.
Thanks for attention. Enjoy watching
This work went to the competition. And in fact, I have not been participating in such contests for a long time, because they do not carry the things that are important to me. But a very dear person asked me to participate in this contest. I could not refuse him.
Unfortunately, my work did not take first place, and I did not win a monetary reward or reward for participating. But I am very glad that I participated in this contest, because he pretty much amused me. 

Yes, unfortunately, perhaps, in my subjective opinion, local companies do not yet understand the importance of corporate identity, and what it should carry in itself.

The results of the competition from the meeting, with the results inscribed in the minutes, together with signatures and seals, I attach here:

For a flimsy case, duplicating the promotional work in the form of a picture outside the protocol below.
Подведение итогов: Данная работа шла на конкурс. И на самом деле я уже давно не участвую в такого рода конкурсах, потому что они не несут в себе важных для меня вещей. Но в этом конкурсе попросил меня участвовать очень дорогой мне человек. Я не мог ему отказать.  

К сожалению моя работа не заняла первого места, и я не выиграл денежное вознаграждение или поощрения за участия. Но я очень рад, что поучаствовал в этом конкурсе, потому что он изрядно меня повеселил. 

Да, к сожалению, возможно, по моему субъективному мнению, местные компании пока не понимают важность фирменного стиля, и что он в себе должен нести.

Результаты конкурса с заседания, с результатами вписанными в протокол вместе с подписями и печатями я прикрепляю здесь: 

На всякий случай продублировав поощрительные работы в виде картинки вне протокола ниже.
Logo and Branding for strict company "ЦСМС" (CSMC)

Logo and Branding for strict company "ЦСМС" (CSMC)
