Anna Fromme's profile

Surrealist Self Portrait

The objective of this project was to learn the basics of photo manipulation and elements of design. We were required to create a montage of images that give a message, or idea. We were also required to take a high quality photo of ourselves and incorporate it into the project. My teacher wanted the artwork to be a reflection about who we are and what convictions we have. 
I needed to decide what was important to me in my life. After brainstorming, I decided that the beauty of the earth and life itself was important in my life. I also love traveling, so I needed to incorporate that into my idea. I came up with many ideas that expressed my beliefs:
Over the progress of the project, I tossed the luggage idea and wanted to do something less time-consuming. I decided to have an image of me facing away from the camera, reaching towards the earth. I started working on the project with Photoshop CC and here were the first few pieces put together: 
I worked from the "ground up" (the basic objects) to shadows, lights, and hues. The ladder didn't turn out as good as I would have hoped so I got rid of it and took some more pictures of me without the ladder:
After some more changes, this was the final product:
Surrealist Self Portrait

Surrealist Self Portrait
